11AprMay 7, 2015 By Jinny 10 Ways Traveling Makes You a Better Person [TravelholicsDiary.com] Traveling has a really REALLY big impact on a person. Like, huge. If you want to grow as a person, the absolute best thing Continue Reading→
11AprMay 7, 2015 By Jinny The 5 “MUSTS” of Money When Traveling Abroad [TravelholicsDiary.com] So far, I’ve been to 21 countries in my life. It’s not a big number compared to the other seasoned travelers, but I’vContinue Reading→
11AprMay 7, 2015 By Jinny 15 Unexpected Things to Expect when Traveling to China [TravelholicsDiary.com] I’m a white-washed Korean who has been completely culture shocked living and visiting China. Man oh man, there were so maContinue Reading→